
Creative Recycling Workshop designed for Kids

Next date 30.08 at Evolve F​estival

Session in Spanish and ​Deutsch

Join at :​tcreator

Creative Recycling

Creacling consists of two sessions, each lasting an hour and a half, and they can be offered ​independently.

In Spanish, German and English!

Session 1

Let’s Collage!!

We'll talk about why it's important to recycle

and then get creative with it!

We'll use all sorts of materials like plastic, paper, and magazines to make awesome collages.

Creative Recycling

Session 2

We will encourage creativity by inviting children to bring unfunctional objects from home.

We will open a collaborative brainstorming session,

allowing each child to express their creativity & transform these items into new, imaginative creations.

write me for more info

Prices are between 20€ and 45€ per Kid

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